
The United States January the unemployment rate fell to 8.3% in close to three new lows

The United States January 243000 jobs, and nine months high; But the United States employment market is still not out of recession, jobs less than 4 years ago 5.6 million [money one 】 (MarketWatch-Jeffry Bartash) the U.S. government on January employment report showed that American companies to hire number nine months and the highest level since, the unemployment rate fell to the lowest level in nearly three years. The labor department on Friday (February 3) released report shows that the United States January 243000 jobs, each economic sectors increased total employment, the unemployment rate fell to 8.3%. This is since April 2011 total employment increase since the most of the time, further proof that the American economy in the summer of 2011 after the downturn began gradually recovery.NFL hats The United States in the past five months increased every month on average 183000 employment posts. The increase of the employment almost involve in every sector of the economy. Manufacturing and construction, professional services, retail, medical and healthcare industry and catering hotel industry will be the increase of employment. The results of the published far better than Wall Street expected. For example, MarketWatch survey data for the prediction results, the United States January new employment according to season after adjustment for 121000, the unemployment rate is 8.5%. Investors reacted positively to this good news. The dow Jones industrial average index closed at a record high since more than four years. "Of course it was a huge surprise," BMO Capital Markets (BMO Capital Markets) senior analyst Lee (Jennifer Lee) think, "the employment increase the industry all involved." Are focusing on November's presidential election Obama governments also feel more exciting news. The reduction of unemployment rate increase for Obama in the second round of voting the possibility of winning. According to the online prediction website Intrade data show that Obama has the possibility of second term up 2.2% to 56.8%. Obama said Friday: "are accelerating economic recovery." Republicans still think the President of the policy has led to 2007 to 2009 a weak economic recovery. "We can do better." Romney, Mitt Romney), the Obama potential final opponents said. The influence of the data correction as part of the report, the department also released the past 21 months benchmark annual employment data. The latest data show the adjustment of the 2011 jobs from the original estimate of 1.64 million rose to 1.82 million. In December of 2011 jobs from 200000 rise to 203000, jobs in November from 100000 rise to 157000. Some economists warned that because of the labor force, is the size and other key benchmark data adjustment, not to January employment report do too much reading. In some areas the adjustment of data involved five years ago. They also point out that January the abnormal weather warming may promote the construction of this kind of industrial areas of employment levels. Construction company in December 2011 and January 2012 new the employment of 52000 people. Wells Fargo (Wells Fargo) economists say: "I still on employment level from 200000 to 250000 is ascension skeptical." Although the number of jobs from late in the summer of 2011 have been rising, the job market is still not from out of recession. American jobs less than four years ago, in 5.6 million. In January,NBA hats the official unemployment for 12.76 million, including 5.5 million unemployed for more than six months. This compared with December almost no improvement. On the other hand, if the data includes those who can't find a full-time job and can only part-time labor, 1 month for its latest unemployment gave up searching for work and up to 15.1%. This so-called U6 unemployment rate is the December 2011 15.2% declined slightly. To make the unemployment rate down to the level before the economic crisis, the United States still need to keep adding 250000 jobs per month for several years. In the seven years before the recession, the jobless rate is at 3.8% to 6.2% of the level fluctuations.

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