
Meiji milk powder in the check out radioactive cesium will recall 400000 cans

December 6, according to the kyodo news agency reported, Japanese food giant 6, the company announced the results of the survey, said the company the production and sale of "the Meiji STEP" (one 850 g) milk powder that tested the highest 30.8 per kg of henri becquerel radionuclide cs. Japan's health ministry has also investigating the matter.baseball sunglasses This is the first time after the nuclear power station from milk powder that tested cs. The Meiji plan of about 400000 cans of milk powder to carry out free replacement. The announcement, the share price has plunged 13.24% finished down 9.72%. The Japanese government regulation of milk powder is tentatively set standard upper limit is 200 per kg of henri becquerel, the testing results of the Meiji milk powder not to exceed bid. But there are voices point than adult baby more vulnerable to the influence of the radioactive material, thick the province has decided to will, in the near future as "baby food" set different standards. The Meiji says testing out for a period of cesium is on October 3, 2012, 4, 5, 6,, 21, 22, 23, 24 milk powder. Shelf life displayed in the milk powder tank bottom. These milk powder are jade spring city county take part of the Meiji factory production. The company said, may be in for material to dry processing mixed in with the atmosphere when cs. It is reported, used for raw milk milk is made of nuclear power plant in blessing island before the accident of production. The company said, "into hot water, (cs of activity) will drop to 3 ~ 4 henri becquerel, can think of health will not affect, but willing to change to eliminate consumer goods by doubts." The Meiji had been said before shipment of random sample of cesium had no inspection. The validation testing out the product is not in check cesium in the list of objects. Japan thick the province July and August to include the Meiji, dairy products manufacturers of home to more than 25 survey of milk powder, according to the results of cesium activity failed to meet the minimum detection limit (5 henri becquerel). The Meiji in Japan, milk powder sales market share up to about 40%, as the first. And "the Meiji STEP" of the same products to other has exported to Vietnam xx. The company said sales milk powder produced in Australia, no radioactive material world wide web reporter li liang reports, according to Japanese media reports, to earlier reports said that the Japanese companies in China sales milk powder was found to contain radioactive material, the Meiji company on December 6 says, in the Chinese market sales of the Meiji milk powder "by the Australian factory production, so is safe". Japan's kyodo news agency reported on December 6, the company about the milk powder that tested radioactive cesium problem, the company in China's legal person enterprise 6,wholesale sunglasses stressed that Japan in 2010 after the disease, China has banned imports of Japanese milk powder, the Meiji on the Chinese market in Australia are the milk powder production. For some the Meiji product distributors to detect the radioactive cesium problem is to ask, the enterprise all, responded that the goods sold in China, no problem.

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