
The oldest Swiss bank was charged with supporting American citizens tax evasion

The U.S. justice department 2, Sue Switzerland announced the oldest private bank wei green bank in connection with the United States citizens collusion, conceal tax related assets. This is the U.S. government for the first time in this crime suing a foreign bank. The justice department said in a statement, headquartered in Switzerland in the wei of st gallen in overseas bank green though no branch, but through the American Stanford, Connecticut, ubs ag branch set up a bank account in the united engaged in asset management, private investment, and other financial business. Between 2008 and 2009, ubs,New Era Hats for alleged tax evasion is in the United States the tax department investigation, wei green bank took the opportunity to win over the escape from ubs us customers. In December 2010, the assets management in the wei green bank as high as $25 billion, of which did not press the laws of the United States declared to the tax authorities tax related assets of $1.2 billion. Earlier last month, the United States justice department sued the bank's three customer manager, suspected of helping American taxpayers also on tax evasion. This case will be 10 days in the trial. If the convicted, wei green bank could face a maximum 500000 dollar fine, three customer manager may be facing the top five years imprisonment and a $250000 fine. But because they live in Switzerland,Cheap sunglasses at present has not been arrested. As the government on a tight budget, in recent years the United States against offshore tax department to press forward with the behavior of tax evasion. According to the laws of the United States, the United States citizens in overseas bank accounts in a year if any time capital more than $10000, you'll have to pay the tax department within the United States declare.

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