
Beijing are not issued the rent pricing more measures to restrain the push rental prices

The government work report of the measures to expand domestic demand in this year's "the government work report," will the expansion of domestic demand, especially consumption demand in the nine large task, and to stabilize prices in the city consumption pattern will play an important role. Yesterday afternoon, in chaoyang district team after the meeting, the people's congress, representatives of the city development and reform commission director ZhangGong said, this city will not be issued for the rent pricing, and the rent will go according to market rules. But at the same time, the city will continue to increase the rent construction force, preparation and house lease platform, encourage market is under house lease platform near the franchise in work Chen, in early in the section of the leased a one bedroom, rent of 2400 yuan. But in August, the landlord proposed increase the rent to 2800 yuan, Chen but choose who shares an, the two bedrooms advocate lie, the monthly rental fee is 1900 yuan,baseball sunglasses pay commission. "How do the rent up so fast? No money to buy a house, haven't qualification." Although rent market is a free market, but Chen had been looking forward to the government moves to restrain the rental prices. Yesterday the news from the Beijing the NPC session, let xiao Chen some exciting this year will be a number of measures the government to restrain the rental prices. Vice mayor Chen just just the day before yesterday in the government inquiry said that this year will continue to increase and rent construction force, and the overall than the market rent will be preferential landlord 30%; In addition, the government encourage large state-owned enterprises and intermediary to cooperate and stock market, expand the collection up, the government gave certain tax concessions, intermediary to stabilize the rent foreign rent. Yesterday, city living, director of construction are also said to Yang bin, the government is under house lease platform, to try to keep the lease both sides do information symmetry. Hearing the news, Chen very glad. She said, rent is often talk, don't know one regional market rent exactly is how much, also do not know this area how much his favorite suite. The web site of the suite looks very good, the price is cheap, play the past phone said "the room have no, I take you to see another suite,". The door of the store and intermediary put rental prices brand, also is to attract customers more and have actual rent is higher than the price almost. "Last year, had spread to the government leading housing construction unified lease platform, tourists can rent in platform on choosing his favorite homes, these homes are real and effective, after the government of nuclear check." Chen said, as in the past year, in the haidian secondhand the room trading platform and becomes the lease platform but without news. Until yesterday, city living, director of construction Yang bin made it clear that live is under construction house lease platform, but when launched, has also no timetable. Reporters from related departments to realize, haidian district secondhand the room trading platform online, has set up a file in the technical platform to lease leave "port". Male rent thirty percent lower than the market price increase male rent construction force, is the Beijing municipal government rent control another measure. This year, Beijing will start construction and purchase of 160000 sets of all kinds of affordable housing and completion of all kinds of security room of 70000, including more than 60% for rent. Chen just just said, Beijing has already obtained on collective land rent, lease room construction and the pilot for examination and approval, quarter is to plan, there are two pilot, TangGuLing is one of them. The male rent family, will gain "FenDang subsidies". The government is making male rents and subsidies standards, will adhere to the "market pricing, FenDang subsidies, rent for separation" principle. Chen just just said, "although is reference to the market pricing, the rent is slightly lower than the market price, but after rent subsidies, and overall rent 30% lower than the market about the rent." So the public attention specially Chen end with the first male rent socialization rent project ocean ooze landscape. The suite is located in the city near the subway jade, walk 10 minutes to the subway, the rent standards for each square meters and yuan, that is, a bedroom standard rent at about $1927, two bedrooms rent at about $2788. Earlier, housing safeguard department had entrusted professional agency estimates the area of the market rent, 49 yuan per month per square meter. According to the calculation, and rents for about 83.7% of the rental market. After investigation, Chen found that male rent than the actual announced the preferential more will be: if in this village for fine decoration commodity house, shares of a three-bedroom, small bedroom area 16-20 square meters, kitchen public toilet, need to spend 1500 yuan to 1800 yuan. The whole rent 89 square meters of fine decoration two rooms one hall, need 5000 yuan a month or so. And the standard of the outsiders for rent, Chen is increasingly concerned about. Yang said yesterday, and they are working on the rent subsidies standards, standards will be introduced as soon as possible. Yang bin says, different area county will come on stage respectively, but standard won't have too big differences, the city centre lack of land resources, from the surrounding area county will borrow to cover and rent. City officials say the do live, the current to the entries and rent the number is not much, so we can't see male rent control rent effect, but 300000 set comes after entering the market, on the one hand, easing the market supply and demand disequilibrium situation, on the other hand, on the lower rent relative to market, and the rent in the market will be significantly enhance the participation, will play a role of market rent guide. XianZhiFang will be encouraged to apply for public rental market rent outsiders the threshold of the undecided and want to live in, and wait for the time is difficult to anticipation. So, Chen or in the market to rent, she hope in addition to construction and the rent, the government also have some policies to the control of market rental prices. To this, Chen just just said at the NPC session, encourage large house agency organization takes the lead role, encourage some state-owned enterprise to join leasing industry. Currently, Beijing is exploring large intermediaries to house bank in the form of a large house agency collect homes, do ErFangDong again with stable rent and term of the lease relet out, the government in trade links give certain tax concessions.For the government of this position, yesterday, Beijing many large-scale intermediary company welcome. Real estate ZuoHui says the chairman's chains, such as 5% of the lease from the combined tax rate, will encourage more empty house into rental market. Cause I love my family group vice President HuJingHui says, last year, the biggest guiyang intermediary company cooperated with the government, the founder of the public rental reserve center, the government guarantee, homeowners will houses to intermediary company,mlb jerseys on the government to give certain subsidies in the rent, and finally housing rents to below the market price more than 20% market. But current pricing is still in the owner, whether to hand over empty houses have to see the owner will, if have the support of the government, the owner will be more willing to cooperate. The vice President LinQian chain home real estate, says that after living is built appoint already many times and the Beijing many large-scale intermediary communication about it. Stores in the community for intermediary open, is more advantageous to communicate with the owner, the government also hope that through the intermediary company, activate the market, expand the vacancy. Every six months of intermediary search a "intermediary took the homes, afraid the hoarding, expand the wild eculatio." Xiao Chen a worry. To this, the government work report, said that the government should release the false information, investigated and severely hoarding and price fixing, malicious hype and other illegal behavior, maintaining the market order, and protecting the interests of consumers. City live is built appoint officials say, will every half year of intermediary agencies a search. To release information and practical not rent homes, will be based on the real estate agency management method ", shall be ordered to make corrections within, write down credit file, cancel online signing the qualification, and fined 10000 yuan of above 30000 yuan of the following amerce; To make profits behavior, will cooperate with the price departments to conduct special inspection of such behavior law enforcement. For releasing false suite, eat post, segmentation rent, misappropriation clients' money problems, the city will organization for large-scale special law enforcement action and will and related media realize real-time interaction, the exposure illegal enterprise, improve ZhenSheLi law enforcement. According to the reporter understands, city is built appoint live in 2011 brokerage institution and cumulative check store 4860 home, to implement administrative processing since 328, administrative penalty 159 on, suspended 11 home stock brokerage institutions FangWang sign, shut the record of seven home did not violate compasses brokerage institution, real estate brokerage services and promote the stock room trading market further regulating the order. In addition, city is built appoint also live launched the emergency response law enforcement, rapid disposal for social security tax that disrupt the control policy implementation of illegal activities, in violation of the limit of the enterprise purchase policies limits on nets sign and public exposure. Chen said, these measures are implemented, "even if apply for less than male renting a house, market rent should also be stable, people more live up".

see more:Prime minister wen out five real estate policy speech signal

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