
Chinese law, when convincing?

Judicial justice, is people have been saying that, but has been saying, general is not out of the, realized, naturally. As anti-corruption, said to say, do to do. No corruption, there would be no anti-corruption. If the judicial really fair, no one can say that the judicial justice; A social, legal fair is the most basic security. The people not to depend on, in be officials, such as an after hard and have to wait for the legal fair. The court's standard is a balance, represents the absolute equality, fairness but, a "we not case system", can make the same case sentenced to a different result. David has focused on the judgment of the football results, in fact, I still have some understanding of liaoning court. I can't say what they, but many lawyers to their evaluation is rather poor. In hunan, a interrupt legs lawsuit sentenced to ten years, in liaoning, because interrupted the families of the leadership arm,discount sunglasses can be sentenced to life. LiuJun involving 780000 yuan was jailed for five years and six months. In more than 10 GongJianPing corruption was sentenced to imprisonment for 10 years LiuJun decisions, is in the judge "discretion" choose lowest standard: according to relevant laws, should be sentenced to five years, under 15 years of imprisonment. The amount of 780000 was greater than the minimum amount convicted 100000 yuan, belong to especially huge amount, now he deemed a ZuiDiXian five years away from just over six months, and belong to an abnormal light. I don't know, northeast of the 1000 KG to Beijing, are they will become 1100 KG? If the "standard" can "understand" different, so is the standard wrong, or "understand" standard people wrong? Since it is the "say", as early as in the qin dynasty is unified metrics. Northeast China and other place says should not have too big differences of says? Theory influence, and of financing volume, LiuJun involving 780000 yuan are far from the GongJianPing into the field, David think there are only two ways: 1, this case sentenced to have to fairness, justice. GongJianPing to a case to overweight. Its family member can apply for state compensation. 2, GongJianPing a case to have to correct, so, this case was sentenced to have to lose fair. In fact, said so much, I don't know LiuJun and the any suspects the referee. But as a citizen. To the laws of the state equality, justice, is my biggest concern. First, the case, will be the national, around the world, and even Chinese historical attention, so, want to stand the test of history; Second, if football case, is only just involving a value to convicted, and not from the consequences will judge, also lost social. A person, accept others, to kill a man, if not heavy sentenced him to kill,wholesale nfl jerseys and only he accept judgment. Is that a joke? The Chinese football in this situation, let people down, let China in the international image damage (we may create the most dark in soccer, the largest, most "composition," continued the longest time contributing, most staff, damage the biggest, and other world records?) , people's waiting for legal justice. China's judicial workers, you are the social morals finally a firewall, if the law can't convincing, then, and the social moral must will drop significantly.

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