
Gall bladder burning sufferer hospitalization infection pneumonia death the hospital judge to compensate 200,000 dollars

Is 82 years old old too Wang Shi, is cure gall bladder burning live into even Chinese medicine hospital in the valley in Peking City, didn't expect but was infected at the hospital pneumonia, and consequently death.Yesterday, the even valley court announced verdict after the indictment, the hospital violates the rules infectious disease sufferer the arrangement is in the bed of bordering on of Wang Shi, it was infected it infectious disease but death, and sentenced Wang Shi from indemnification in hospital 5 statures female more than 200,000 dollar.The sufferer goes to hospital to infect by pneumonia on law court, Wang Shi of 5 statures female say, last year August 29, mother, Wang Shi, is burning because of suffering from gall bladder, go to even valley Chinese medicine hospital in Peking City to seek medical advice, the hospital arranges Wang Shi hospitalization treatment.What Wang Shi live is a nerve Medicine while hospitalizing sickroom, the next day turns into Pu surgery again sickroom.Empress before September 5, the hospital arranges 81-year-old Li Mou to live on the sickbed of the left side of Wang Shi.Wang Shi's childrens say that Li Mou's condition to compare with sickroom others severity, , and cut off windpipe,mens sunglasses they once lived for Li Mou sickroom in the Pu surgery to put forward to query to the medical personnel.On September 11, the mother appeared the symptom of a cough, the condition immediately aggravates, "at that time after a vice- director of hospital saw, discovered the department infection of mother, Wang Shi Fei, , dyspnea, condition very serious, turned mother, Wang Shi, into ICU sickroom".Henceforth, Wang Shi is always tormented by slight illness, end die of illness at the hospital on January 23 this year.Director in the hospital signs to confirm, Wang Shi's death is an infection because of lung department, this cause of death after be called "impatient breathe hard-pressed comprehensive advertise for" on 《residents in Peking City die a medical science certificate 》 .Wang Shi's little daughter says that once lived with mother a director of hospital tells her, the same Li Mou of sickroom suffers from of is exactly pneumonia, the mother is infected of the germ is similar to Li Mou's germ.After the event, the hospital once carried on disinfection to the sickroom.The family members think that the childrens that the hospital has no virtuous Wang Shi think, the hospital arranges Li Mou and mother, Wang Shi, to live same the behavior of sickroom completely violates the rules of, because Li Mou is an infectious disease sufferer."This kind of way of doing in the hospital is completely regardless of and the patient's peace or chaos, lack basic occupation morals".After matter delivers, Wang Shi's childrens once sought consultation in the hospital to solve this matter for many times, but always different idea in the hospital compensated, up to now just gave one part of funeral fees, "hospital said with us at that time, you don't make, we can't maltreat you, either, and after mother's death of take the funeral fee of 80,000 dollars for us on the second day", henceforth, the hospital calls this matter to solve and need through the legal procedure.Wang Shi's childrens think that the hospital there is the responsibility to cans not evade to the mother's death.They point out that the fault of hospital contains 2:00, the first is a different section room to mix, and don't carry on disinfection;The second, after putting forward objection, the sufferer's family members' hospital has never given to carry on sickroom adjustment as well, these behavior breached diagnosis and treatment norm and disinfection norm.5 brother and sister of Wang Jia not only request hospital to compensate economic loss more than 200,000 dollarses, spirit indemnity the gold is 500,000 dollars, also request a hospital for lose character for open apology to them.For a huge sum of of spirit loss claim, Wang Shi's sons and daughters explained, "our father's early yearses died, as a result our feelings to the mother very deep, her old man's house is too not easy during a lifetime", mother just suffer from more familiar gall bladder burning, completely is the false diagnosis and treatment behavior that the hospital takes no responsibility, just make the old man unfortunately die, it bear them to lose mother of pain.The hospital admits be infected on law court inside the hospital, authority first to Wang Shi's 5 statureses female mean pity, call the doctor of an any hospital and nurse the original intentions all want to have the patient's disease cured and appear a result like this is also what hospital doesn't hope and see.The authority points out that what Wang Shi's sons and daughters says out of accordance with fact, because the hospital basically didn't violate the rules infectious disease the sufferer find job for common sickroom.For"the breath resulted in because of the lung department infection comprehensive advertise for" called by Wang Shi's sons and daughters, hospital explains to call, Wang Shi's dying reason is really a lung department infection, but pneumonia isn't all catching.The authority says that for the disease of contagion, there is homologous measure in the hospital, general of pneumonia don't belong to infection disease, "and under the normal condition, allow to be infected, cross to be infected inside the hospital an incidence rate at 10% in.If 5 brother and sister of Wang Jia think that we violate the rules, should provide evidence".In addition, the authority puts forward, Wang Shi of 5 statures in addition to handing over 2400 dollars security deposit, the female also owes 380,000 many medical fees in the hospital, the authority asks Wang Shi's sons and daughters to pay the medical fee for bearing debt.At quality certificate stage, a hospital submits of 《mostly diagnosis and treatment process 》 become the evidence of Wang Jia 5 brother and sister and mean to this hospital, they have no opinion to"Wang Shi dies in to cross an infection inside the infection inside the hospital, hospital" said in 《mostly diagnosis and treatment process 》 .The court announces verdict to support claiming a court to think, the hospital submits of 《mostly diagnosis and treatment process 》and 《 residents in Peking City death medical science certificate 》 can prove, the death of Wang Shi and the diagnosis and treatment behavior of even Chinese medicine hospital in the valley in Peking City exists a cause and effect relation.For the parlance of "allow an infection inside the hospital and cross an infection to have a certain incidence rate" put forward by hospital, the court didn't adopt.The court points out that according to the rules of 《infection management way in hospital 》 Article 14, the medical organization should strictly carry out to insulate a technical specification and spread path and adopt homologous insulation measure according to the cause body, therefore the hospital breaches rules,Cheap Oakley Sunglasses for sale exists a fault and promises a load of indemnification responsibility.But court points out at the same time, Wang Shi's age more old, the body organ contains the crack-up of certain degree, the lung department is infected though her mainly die reason, but also have other paroxysm functions, as a result the court sentences even Chinese medicine hospital in the valley in Peking City to compensate 5 brother and sister of Wang Jia each according to the actual circumstance assurance responsibility proportion lose more than 200,000 dollars, deducting the hospital already pay of 80,000 dollars, also need to pay more than 120,000 dollars.For the verdict result, 5 brother and sister of Wang Jia mean a basic satisfaction, but whether the resort still needs the amount of company of going home.The agent of hospital means demand and hospital communicate behind go decision again.


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