
Wearing contact lenses 8 point attention

Myopia family more and more, in order to beautiful with convenient, many people so choose wear contact lenses, recently lifted the agitation of the pupil more beautiful, more need to pay attention to the health of the pupil. Experts say, compared with glasses, because contact lenses eye contact surface, therefore the risk is bigger, especially change color piece because there are fading risk, so more need to pay attention to, the expert suggests available artificial tears or discharge makeup oil test, if there is a fading problems must be stopped using, lest cause allergic eye, if continue wearing last may lead to the cornea mouths. The pupil by increasing dyeing design, in addition to rub off the problem than general contact lenses are more likely to cause corneal hypoxia, especially like to use color piece for the more young people, wearing time often very long, even wearing a sleeping, again plus alert heart is low,Buy Oakland Raiders New Era Hat corneal slight infection still get away, the last may cause by pseudomonas aeruginosa corneal infection and they affect vision, even needs cornea transplant, so be careful. Experts say, meet with allergic conjunctivitis man is not fit for wear contact lenses, because the more easy to cause the bacteria infection corneal inflammation; In addition, long time netease suffering from dry eyes, tears reduce, also easy to infected with the bacteria; And women after menopause hormones for reduced, also causes tear a secrete reduce also not suitable. Don't wear every day long wearing contact lenses every day the length of time, in fact, depending on the individual in the cornea and decide, but basically suggested not to wear every day for more than 12 hours above, suggest 5 ~ 6 days a week. If wear the pupil beauty is more carefully, do not wear more than 10 hours every day, best every other day to use again. Use custom important wearing contact lenses if appropriate, such as often with glasses crisscross use, cleaning method correctly, in fact not cause damage to the cornea, from young to old can be used. But if use bad habit, like long wear, or don't pay attention to clean, may result in severe corneal hypoxia, maybe immediately can't again wear contact lenses. Often shift to be careful, experts said many people often the blink of an eye pupil beauty will shift, to be careful whether for color piece to fade, because long-term use of fade color eyes expansion allergic, itchy eyes, a lactation things become more, President of eyelid inside follicles, so easy to make change color piece of shift, if continue wearing, may cause friction corneal because often be corneal mouths. First to ophthalmic whether wearing contact lenses or beauty of the pupil, suggest first to her right eye, to determine if you have the right to wear degree and, in addition, also suggested contacts every six months to a year family to do eye relevant examination, sure in the cornea through adjusting wearing habits. Don't literally buys the expert reminds, many young people in order to TanBianYi, be convenient, often buy online untrusted beauty of them, not related to control health institutions, there may be a risk, suggest should buy famous brands have safeguard relatively. To test to determine if fading beauty of the pupil would rub off, people may answer on artificial tears or discharge makeup oil testing, the first change color piece soaked in artificial tears or discharge makeup oil,Oakland Raiders Snapback in which 8 ~ 10 hours, again with cotton swabs to wipe lens can. Experts say, through the artificial tears test is basic standard, more advanced to use discharge makeup oil is testing, normal condition should be not rub off, if discover the rub off shall be immediately use. Soak box often change contact lenses clean is quite important, experts say, if you can choose the best cast type, if use weeks or longer cast a type, in addition to the rubbing with disinfectant 5 ~ 10 outside under, immerse box also suggested that often should change, in order to avoid using too long box shelter evil people and practices. Red eyes should go to a doctor contact lenses if the family to be red eyes, may be corneal infection or bacteria signs of infection, advice should hurry for medical treatment, so as to avoid the condition deteriorated.

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