
Wash hands quit after hand bacteria-infested

People often to suppress bacteria spread by hand washing, but many people often fail to make hand after washing dry steps, make the effect of washing hands down. The British, according to a new study chooses to let the hand dry out the correct method of the remainder of the bacteria help to prevent the hands spread elsewhere. British Bradford university and other institutions in the researchers a new issue of the application of microbiology journal report said, hand washing is effectively remove bacteria method, but also cannot destroy all bacteria, if not then try to let hand right become dry, residues of bacteria is easy to the wet environment continues to spread, so let hand become dry,COACH Sunglasses white is also a very important step. By maintaining the main purpose of the hand hygiene is to prevent bacteria from hand to spread took on such items as foods, the researchers designed experiment, to assess let dry out all kinds of methods hand to the spread of bacteria influence. The first please touch with bacteria volunteers raw, then washing hands and adopt various methods to hand become dry, in this process handle in each stage of the press the petri dish, then later detection would leave many bacteria. Results show that, in the use of all sorts of paper, "stem cell phone" and other methods, the use of paper towel to wipe the most effective hand in hand so after desiccate, through the contact and spread to the decrease in the number of bacteria petri dish the largest amount. And "dry cell phone" the effect depends on how to use, some "stem cell phone" with warm air rises will hand drying, often required to speed up hand rub evaporation, and machine with high-speed airflow water will blow dry. Researchers found that hand washing and in the process of hand rub better aseptic with different results,Coach Sunglasses Kristina in the process of drying hands if rub hands, so will the original hidden in deep skin is not wash off with the surface of the hand of the bacteria, such hand after drying contact in petri dishes, will leave more bacteria. But if his hands on "stem cell phone" in the stationary, then hand dryness in petri dishes left after the number of bacteria and use paper towel bad not too much.

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